Pet a gator

Monday, May 29, 2006

Old timer

Currently I am on a summer mission trip in Chile, along with a bunch of college students. Early on, I revealed a little too much about myself.
Girl: "Before we came, I found out about a lot of the other students on Facebook."
Me: "Uh, what's Facebook?"
Girl: "Dude, you just dated yourself."

I preceeded to boast my hip credentials: my blog, Podcast subscriber, Ipod owner...but the damage was already done.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Something fishy

I've been trying to get more fish in my diet...they're high in Omega 3 fatty acids and chalk full of other nutrients. Want some?

The prodigal disc

Today while playing a round of disc golf, I thought my beloved blue disc was lost forever. The disc is sentimental because my two friends gave it to me for my 26th birthday. Ironically, Karin, who is one of the girls who gave it to me was the one who accidently threw it into a stream...I mean an extremely swampy bog, that happens to have the shape of a stream. The water has the consistency of oatmeal, with a radioactive green color. And when you throw from the second disc golf tee, it's actually pretty easy to hit this hazard.
When Karin threw it in the drink, we thought it was gone forever. That is, until we later saw a redneck looking kid wading through the nasty water. We were all shocked. Why would anyone dare swim through such filth? Did he realize what kind of things grow in there? How long the bacteria had been festering?
Karin pointed to where the disc was lost. He felt around..."I just felt a fish," he said, running his fingers through the silty filth. "Here's a stick..." He kept feeling around until he finally pulled out the blue object and threw it on the bank.
I don't who that kid was, but we owe him big.
Maybe we could buy him a drum of body sanitzer or something.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Slang you must learn

There's a term I learned while on a week long trip to Trinidad and Tobago that is gold: liming. It means to relax, hang out or basically do fun things or whatever. On the island, some locals lime by puffing ganja or going clubbing. They're only to happy to offer such activities to you (just ask my friend who also journeyed to Trinidad).

My preferred liming activities in Trinidad included going to the beach and snorkling and body surfing. The waters were a crystaline green with some of the most beautiful fish I've ever seen. Now that's some liming I can get used to.