Pet a gator

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Calling a bluff

Standing at the counter of Dollar Rent a Car, I couldn't believe the news: no more midsize cars, the lady told me. I had made a reservation, but apparently that didn't matter now.
"Well, we do have a minivan that we could give you for the same rate," the service clerk told me. I tried to imagine myself cruising in a minivan, the hulking craft with just me in it. No screaming kids or whatever else they are designed for.
"Uh...thanks, but I'm not interested," I firmly said.
I then proceeded to ask for the shuttle so I could return to the airport.
"Oh, wait," she said. "I guess we do have one Ford Taurus left."

Apparently Dollar wanted to "minivan" me. Fortunately I called their bluff.

I took the Taurus and sped away more than satisfied.